In respect of admissions to the 2025/2026 school year.

Please click this link to view the Admission Notice.


RDS Science Blast 2025!!

Our senior class had the best day ever at the RDS Science Blast in on 5th March. The event was amazing and so well organised. Our pupils got priority passes and got first entry into every event and show. The organisers gave us lots of assistance arriving, departing and throughout the event and we received loads of sensory goodies.

Our project made a big impact and our stand was really popular. Our research question was ‘Do pupils with autism like trains more than their neurotypical peers’? We surveyed 3 local schools and presented our data in bar charts.

There were lots of photographers and media who showed a keen interest in our research. We even appeared on News2Day on RTE2!

We are so proud of all the boys who have been working on the event for months. And when the judging team came they were really impressed and rewarded us with a special prize!

Well done Holly Class!

Pizza Party Raffle

Three wonderful TY students of Loreto College Foxrock raised €300 by holding a pizza party raffle for our school as part of the Community project. We wish to thank Ciara, Anahita, Michelle and those at Loreto College Foxrock for their amazing contribution. The money will be used to buy well needed sensory regulating equipment for our children.

Operation Regulation.

April is Autism Awareness month and Ballyowen Meadows Special School is running ‘Operation Regulation’! Please support our wonderful kids and donate to this campaign here.

Operation Regulation aims to raise vital funds to support our autistic children to regulate. Just like an athlete needs to hydrate to perform at their best, our kids need to regulate frequently so that they can learn, communicate, play, listen, process, and grow to their very best ability!

Ballyowen Meadows has the best teachers and SNA’s on the planet, with the expertise and commitment to give our fantastic kids the regulatory and sensory input they need to thrive at school! But sadly, they don’t always have the OT and sensory equipment like a climbing wall, crash mats, a ball pool and mirrors for the children’s sensory room. With your generous donation we will acquire vital equipment to support our kids to regulate between lessons so that their brain works the best it can to process and learn in the classroom. Thank you!

DOnate Here


Please see link below for our SSE Report and Plan.

SSE 2021-2022