Ballyowen Meadows is delighted to announce the success of Class 4’s pupil Oscar O’Donnell’s entry into the drawing competition for National Fire Safety Week 2021 4th – 11th October.

This year’s theme is:“Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives – Test Yours Weekly”

Promoting fire safety among children is vitally important for their future, their families and the local community.

Oscar’s fantastic drawing depicted Fire Safety mascot, the Fire Hound. Oscar said ‘ I gave Fire Hound a hose to put out the BIG fire’.

Eva from the National Directorate for Fire and Emergency Management said:

‘Wow! Thank you so much for your entry.  We here in the National Directorate want to say a huge thank you for taking part in our competition.  We have to say we love your hound. We love him so much we’d love to share him with all our friends on facebook and twitter’.

Check our their new website at and on twitter and facebook @firesafetyire.

Thanks to Oscar, all the pupils at Ballyowen Meadows will be receiving Fire Safety Goodies!

Well done Oscar!